Thursday, March 12, 2009

For Homeowners: Foreclosure Assistance

Foreclosure Assistance options are not created equal. One cannot turn on the radio, television, or open a newspaper and see or hear an ad or commercial offering foreclosure assistance in some form or another. Attorneys, your lender and unscrupulous organizations paint themselves as your answer to foreclosure assistance, when in fact; their main goal is to make money. Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering foreclosure assistance options:

Q. When was the last time you heard of a Bankruptcy Attorney who does not charge for his or her services?

A. Never. Even when they say there are no upfront fees, they will collect in the end. In defense of attorneys, collecting for their services is how they stay in business. The problem comes when they charge people who are in foreclosure, knowing that their foreclosure assistance solutions are only temporary and that the overwhelming majority of their clients end up losing their house anyway.

Q. Why does a mortgage lending institution exist?

A. Mortgage companies loan their customers’ and investors’ money to consumers in order to make a return on their investment. They have no interest in your situation. They will give people small foreclosure assistance and avoidance options, but only because it is in their best interest, as they want to get as much money out of them as they can. Eventually, they will need to foreclose, because their main interest is making money for their investors, not your situation.

Q. Why would a company charge me upfront fees to offer foreclosure assistance when they know I don’t have the money to pay my mortgage?

A. We honestly cannot understand why any company, who claims to have a desire to help people with foreclosure assistance, would charge their clients anything, much less the thousands of dollars some of them charge.

Foreclosure Relief Providers offers real foreclosure assistance options, by working with lenders, attorneys, only the best Real Estate Agents and any and all other parties involved to keep a foreclosure off your credit and give you a fresh start on life. We pay all fees and never charge you a dime for our foreclosure assistance services. For assistance, direct your browser and register for our Manage My Short Sale foreclosure relief system. We will be notified that you have registered and will contact you within 24 hours. If you prefer, feel free to call us at 702-430-1637. We look forward to working with you soon!

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